Locker Room/Usage
- All lockers are property of the Health, Fitness & Recreation Center and the Department of Campus Recreation.
- Cell phones and cameras may not be used in the locker rooms at any time.
- Lockers may be used for legitimate recreational purposes only.
- Any open locker is available for day use only.
- Day-use lockers found to be in use after close each night will be opened and contents removed by staff. Contents will be inventoried and stored at equipment issue for 7 days; after which the contents will be discarded or given to charity. Items of value will be given to Moraine Valley Campus Police.
- Members can view the “How To” guide located near all locker banks. For questions or problems, members can ask a staff member or go to the Welcome Desk for help.
- Rental of a reserved locker is first come; first serve at a cost of $12 per month. Lockers may be charged monthly or paid in full for up to one year. Members will need to visit the membership desk in order to rent a locker. Only lockers located in the community locker rooms labeled “reserved” are available for rent. Dependents and members under the age of 16 are not permitted to have a reserved locker.
- Payment for reserved lockers is non-refundable.
- Certain occasions require FitRec employees to access occupied lockers (i.e., unreturned equipment or facility risk). On these occasions, members will be notified.
- All reserved lockers are cleared of personal contents on an annual basis for inspection, repair and cleaning. Members will be notified, but if their contents are not removed, contents will be inventoried and stored at Equipment Issue for 14 days; after which the contents will be discarded or given to charity. Please Note: Locker clear out service may be offered in the future for a nominal fee or charged to members’ accounts for the services rendered.
- Showers close 15 minutes prior to the facility closing.
- Family Changing Rooms are located off of the pool deck. Children 3 years of age up to age 7 must use the Family Changing Rooms or same sex locker room. Families with small children are encouraged to use the family changing room and the daily lockers located in that area. Children over the age of 7 may use their same-gender locker room unsupervised.
- Any announcements, fliers, posters, or any other marketing materials must be submitted to the Assistant Director for Marketing and Memberships for approval to be displayed in the facility.
Towel Service
- Towels may be used by all members and guests free of charge.
- Full size towels are suggested for one towel per member or guest per visit.
- Towels are available at the Welcome Desk and should be returned to any towel return bin located throughout the facility.
- Smaller fitness towels are located on 2nd level at the desk and should be returned to any towel return bin located throughout the facility.
- All towels are for use in the facility and should not be taken outside the facility at any point.
- Theft, misuse or damage to towels is subject to loss of membership or guest privileges. Please Note: If towel loss is deemed too extreme, the department will offer a lesser value towel for general members, and may develop a towel fee plan for those wishing use of the current towel.
Steam Room
- Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.
- Elderly persons, pregnant women, persons using prescription medications, and persons suffering from heart disease, diabetes or high low blood pressure, seizures, epilepsy, or other serious medical conditions are not recommended to use the steam room, but if desired, please consult a physician before use.
- Steam room capacity is 15.
- A shower is recommended before use.
- Must have a barrier (clothing or a towel) between skin and surface of the steam room.
- Persons should not spend more than 15 minutes in one session, as excessive exposure can be harmful.
- Temperature is set between 105 and 108 degrees Fahrenheit and is not adjustable by members or FitRec staff.
- For health reasons, exercise and grooming is not permitted in the steam room.
- Notify FitRec staff members immediately with safety concerns.
- The Steam Room may be closed periodically without notice for necessary