Welcome to New Student Orientation!
All students who plan to enroll at Moraine Valley to pursue an associate's degree, and/or prepare to transfer, are required to complete the orientation program. New Student Orientation is an essential step in beginning your educational journey.
Please complete the following steps in order:
Students must take placement tests or submit appropriate high school transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, AP scores, or college transcripts for exemptions, prior to completing Part I. Click here to see if you are eligible for an exemption. If eligible, submit transcripts to transcripts@morainevalley.edu. We highly encourage students to take the placement test twice.
To begin Part I, please login here.
The Part II portion of New Student Orientation is mandatory for all students who are planning to complete a degree. You will speak with an academic advisor to discuss your academic plans, course options, and how to register and pay for your first semester courses. Please follow the directions after successfully passing your Part I quiz to request your session with an advisor.