Mel Unger

Starting Your Degree at Moraine Valley

Students who intend to earn a bachelor's degree at a four-year school can complete the first two years of their college education at Moraine Valley. Students will enroll in general education courses and interest-specific electives along one of four associate degree paths. These classes are largely the same courses you would complete in the first two years at a four-year school, but by completing them at Moraine Valley, you will save a significant amount of money on the cost of tuition and may be eligible for transfer student scholarships.

The two most common transfer degrees are the Associate in Arts (A.A.) and the Associate in Science (A.S.). They help prepare you for a variety of majors at four-year schools. Obtaining your associate degree can make it more likely that you will transfer to a four-year school with junior status.

Top Transfer Schools

  • BU

    Benedictine University

  • DU

    DePaul University

  • Governors State

    Governors State University

  • UIC_Blue

    University of Illinois in Chicago

  • lewis

    Lewis University

  • ISU-Seal_1C_186

    Illinois State University

  • NU

    Northern Illinois University

  • trinity

    Trinity University

  • SXU

    Saint Xavier University

Cost Comparison

Cost of a Single 3-Credit-Hour Course

Choosing to take your classes at Moraine Valley can save you hundreds of dollars per class and thousands over your first two years of college. Compare the cost of taking a 3-credit-hour course at Moraine Valley to some popular Illinois institutions.

Note: These costs are for tuition only. In some cases, fees and other expenses are additional. Based on the most recently reported rates.

Moraine Valley
Northern Illinois University
Illinois State University
Saint Xavier University
Lewis University

Ensure a Smooth Transfer to a Four-Year School

Students who know their intended transfer institution are advised to meet with an academic advisor each semester to create a detailed education plan that will make the transfer process simple and easy. Also, refer to the Illinois Articulation Initiative for assistance in transferring between Illinois higher education institutions.


In-State Transfer Guides

Transfer guides from the state of IL


Out-of-State Transfer Guides

Transfer guides outside the state of IL


If you haven't chosen a major yet, you're not alone. Many students are unsure of what major would work best for them. Meet with a Moraine Valley career counselor to discuss career options and/or an academic advisor to develop a flexible education plan that will apply to various majors.


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Konnor Parrish (Oak Lawn), shared his educational journey while on a panel for the Illinois Project Lead the Way meeting.


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