1. Who qualifies for HEERF Grant?

To be eligible for the Grant, you must have:

Spring 2020

  • Must have a verified FAFSA on file for either the 2019-20 or 2020-21 academic years
  • Submitted all required documentation to the college’s Financial Aid Office before 6/30/2020;
  • Been enrolled in a campus-based degree or certificate program prior to 3/23/2020 and remained enrolled throughout the spring 2020 semester

Fall 2020

  • A verified FAFSA on file for 2020-21 academic year
  • Enrolled in a campus-based degree or certificate program;
  • Have been enrolled in the fall 2020 semester with a start date of August 10, 2020, or later; and
  • Good academic standing according to the Federal Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress policies.

2. Is there an application required?

Yes, an application is required. No additional documentation is required.  Log in to the student portal to complete and submit the online application form

3. How much can I receive from the HEERF Grant?

The amount students may receive is $600 for Part-Time to $1,000 for Full-Time students. Due to funding limitations, awards will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE HEERF award per semester from MVCC.

4. Is there a deadline for me to upload my application?

Yes, you must complete and submit the application on your Student Portal by 11/21/2020. Incomplete applications will be denied. Applications submitted after 11/21/2020 may not be considered

5. How will I know if I am approved?

If you are approved, you will receive an email notification sent to your student email account.

6. If I am approved, will the HEERF Grant affect my other financial aid?

No, approval of your HEERF Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.

Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE HEERF award per semester from MVCC.

7. If I am approved, will the HEERF Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to MVCC?

No, MVCC will not apply this grant towards any outstanding balance you may owe.   Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to impacts of COVID-19. While you will need to indicate your educational expenses on your application, you will not need to report how you actually used this funding.

8. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my HEERF Grant?

You will receive an email from the Financial Aid Office notifying you of your award.   Direct deposit (through ACH) is the quickest option for a student to receive funds. If you are not enrolled for direct deposit, you will be mailed a paper check to the address on your student account, which may significantly delay delivery of your funds.