Students with an already hectic schedule still can fit classes in by enrolling in a Moraine Valley Community College weekend class for the fall 2016 semester. Available classes include:
Fridays only— Art Appreciation, ASL to English Interpreting, Electrical/Electronic Systems 1, Performance and Driveability II, each beginning Aug. 26 for 17 weeks; General Biology I, beginning Aug. 26 for 15 weeks; College: Changes, Challenges, Choices, beginning Aug. 26 or Oct. 21 for eight weeks
Friday/Saturday/Sunday— Principles of Macro-Economics, Child Psychology, General Sociology, each beginning Sept. 9 for three weeks; Introduction to Psychology, beginning Sept. 23 for two weeks; A Healthy Lifestyle and You, beginning Oct. 7 for 17 weeks; Principles of Micro-Economics, beginning Oct. 7 for three weeks
Friday/Saturday— Job Skills for Competitive Advantage, beginning Sept. 16 for four weeks; Cargo Security, beginning Nov. 4 for three weeks
Saturdays only— Introductory Automotive Technology, Emergency Medical Technician, Sheet Metal Hand Forming, and Intermediate Algebra, each beginning Aug. 27 for 17 weeks; Introduction to American Music, beginning Oct. 8 for 10 weeks; General Biology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, each beginning Aug. 27 for 15 weeks; Introduction to Earth Science, beginning Aug. 27 for 16 weeks; Personal Computer Basics, beginning Oct. 22 for eight weeks
Saturday/Sunday— Water Rescue Operations, beginning Sept. 10 for three weeks; Hazardous Materials Awareness, beginning Nov. 5 for one week
Sunday— Basic Arc/Gas Welding I, beginning Aug. 28 for 16 weeks
A complete list of credit and noncredit classes can be found in the fall 2016 class schedule or online. Registration is ongoing. Tuition is $119 per credit hour plus fees and books.
Students who have applied to the college can register in the Registration Office, located on campus in the Student Services Center (Building S), 9000 W. College Pkwy. in Palos Hills; by phone at (708) 974-2110 (TTY 711); or online at