Get a head start this summer by taking classes at Moraine Valley Community College. The summer 2017 semester starts with a three-week pre-session beginning the week of May 22, while the eight- and first four-week as well as continuing education sessions begin the week of June 12, and the second four-week session begins the week of July 10.

Moraine Valley offers classes for those interested in transferring to four-year colleges or universities by earning associate degrees in Arts, Fine Arts, General Studies, or Science. Students also can choose from several career programs offered at the college including Allied Health and Nursing, Business and Computer Sciences, Industrial Technology, and Public Service. The college offers noncredit programs, courses and workshops as well.

To accommodate various student needs, the college offers flexible learning options, including evening, off main campus, one-day-a-week, online, weekend, and short-term classes.

A complete list of credit and noncredit classes can be found in the summer 2017 class schedule or online at Registration is ongoing. Tuition is $119 per credit hour plus fees and books. Students who have applied to the college can register in the Registration Office, located on campus in the Student Services Center (Building S), 9000 W. College Pkwy. in Palos Hills; by phone at (708) 974-2110 (TTY 711); or online at