These will be annual scholarships, with the first two to be offered for the spring 2020 semester.
A new scholarship for veterans to attend Moraine Valley Community College in Palos Hills has been made available thanks to the generosity of the Orland-Palos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #2604.
The post, at the college’s Veterans Day ceremony, presented a check for $2,000 to provide two $1,000 scholarships to honorably discharged veterans. These will be annual scholarships, with the first two to be offered for the spring 2020 semester.
“This new scholarship from the VFW will provide tremendous assistance to our veteran students,” said Kristy McGreal, executive director of the Moraine Valley Foundation. “Moraine Valley is home to many veteran students, and it is wonderful to see our local VFW giving so generously to make sure these veterans have support to complete their college education.”
Accepting the check from Ron Raimbault, VFW Post #2604 commander, (far left) on behalf of the college are (from left) Patti Friend, director of Alumni and Annual Programs for the Foundation; Marine Corps veteran Noah Imm, president of the Moraine Valley Student Veterans of America Chapter, Boots to College; and Dr. Sylvia M. Jenkins, college president.