Moms and daughters, Girl Scout troops and other groups working with girls are encouraged to join the viewing and discussion of the documentary “Miss Representation” on Wednesday, March 20, 6 to 7:30 p.m., in the Moraine Business and Conference Center (Building M) at Moraine Valley Community College, 9000 W. College Parkway in Palos Hills.
“Miss Representation” is a film about how mainstream media portrays women and girls and contributes to their under-representation and sexualization while shaping culture norms and sending messages that their power lies in appearance and not in leadership abilities.
Clips from this documentary will be shown, and Moraine Valley counselor, Shanya Gray, will lead the discussion about issues and questions mentioned. Young girls between, but not restricted to, fifth and 12th grades are urged to attend with parents or guardians to conversate together about this prevalent subject.
A free light dinner (pizza/salad), drinks and cookies will be served. Bring a nonperishable food or toiletry item for Moraine Valley’s food pantry. RSVP to Maria Belmontez at (708) 608-4282 or email