Credit enrollment at Moraine Valley Community College for the fall semester is 15,016 students, a decline of less than two percent, the lowest drop in the past five years. Total enrollment—credit and noncredit—is 16,019 students.

The slight decline still reflects the national trend community colleges have been experiencing for the past several years after recording record enrollments. However, this year’s dip is markedly lower compared to many colleges and universities in the U.S.

“Considering the trend for the past several years, this fall’s decline is hopefully a good sign that things are beginning to settle down,” said Dr. Sylvia M. Jenkins, college president. “Obviously, we welcome growth, and we continue to do everything we can to once again move in that direction.”

For more information, call Mark Horstmeyer, director of College and Community Relations, at (708) 974-5275, or e-mail: