Moraine Valley announced Tuesday it will refund the cost of one in-district credit hour ($131) for students who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Oct. 1.

Eligible students will be notified through their Moraine Valley student email. Students eligible for this one-time incentive must be enrolled in a credit-bearing, college-level or developmental education class for the fall 2021 semester. Individuals taking noncredit, adult basic education, English as a second language and/or dual-credit classes, and employees and their dependents are excluded.

Fully vaccinated students are asked to submit their vaccination card to the college on their Cleared4Class account. Students will pay their fall 2021 tuition in full but will be refunded $131 to their student account before the end of the semester.

“This incentive is designed to benefit students on their educational journey while also preserving the health and safety of our campus community,” said Dr. Sylvia Jenkins, Moraine Valley president. “The college has worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to keep our students safe. As more and more students will return to our classrooms this fall, we want to do everything possible to encourage students to get vaccinated.”

The college joined the White House’s COVID-19 College Vaccination Challenge earlier this summer and is taking action to ensure access to vaccinations. While students can get vaccinated anywhere, the college is hosting walk-in vaccination clinics on campus on Aug. 3, 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Building M, 9000 W. College Parkway, Palos Hills.

For the fall semester, which begins Aug. 23, the college is offering traditional in-person classes in addition to online, virtual and hybrid options, allowing students to take whatever course format fits their learning style. The college also has begun waiving placement test fees for new students enrolling in the fall semester.

“We wanted our fall classes to meet the needs of all our students and to remove as many obstacles as possible for those who want to get started on their college journey,” Jenkins said. “The past 18 months has presented many unique challenges for our students and dissuaded students who otherwise would have started their college journey. Alleviating some of the expense of college should help students start or stay the course toward degree or certificate completion.”

New or returning students interested in registering for fall classes can go to

For information on the admissions process, contact Admissions at or (708) 974-5355.