Employers from all industries who have position openings are needed for Moraine Valley Community College’s Fall Job Fair on Thursday, Oct. 15, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The fair will be in the Moraine Business and Conference Center, Building M, on campus, 9000 W. College Pkwy., Palos Hills. Employer check-in is at noon, and the employer luncheon is at 12:30 p.m.
The Job Fair is a prime opportunity for employers to recruit diverse students, alumni and community members to fulfill employment needs, including hourly or salary jobs and paid or non-paid internships. Commission-only positions and undisclosed third-party recruiting will not be included.
The registration fee is $105 for a six-foot table and lunch for two recruiters. The fee for the fall and spring fairs is $160. To register, click here and choose your method of registration. Space is limited.
For more information about the fair or other events, call the Job Resource Center at (708) 974-5737, or visit the website.
For news media inquiries, call Jessica Crotty, College and Community Relations coordinator, at (708) 974-5281, or e-mail her at crotty@morainevalley.edu.