If you are over the age of 25 and have thought about attending college, but are apprehensive about it, then Moraine Valley Community College’s Adult College Success Fair can put your mind at ease. Adults who are newly enrolled or plan to re-enroll to complete an associate degree or career certificate should attend the fair on Saturday, August 1, from 9 a.m. to noon, in the Moraine Rooms in Building M on the main campus, 9000 W. College Pkwy, Palos Hills. This event is free and open to the public.
Whether you have been out of school for years or are considering college for the first time, this event aims to help you feel comfortable using campus resources to reach academic, personal and/or career goals.
Moraine Valley representatives from various career programs and departments, including Health Sciences, American Sign Language, Criminal Justice, and Technology, will be in attendance as well as staff from Admissions, Job Resource Center, Financial Aid, Academic Advising, and the Counseling and Career Development Center. While at the fair, you can complete the online admissions form, apply for financial aid, have an on-the-spot transcript evaluation, and get help registering for classes. A career assessment workshop will be offered for those considering a career change. Successful adult students also will talk about their experiences.
“The college recognizes how dramatically the workplace and job market are changing. We want to help adults in the community gain the knowledge and skills needed to be successful,” said Peg Heenan, Admissions recruiter. “The Adult College Success Fair provides an opportunity for people to learn more about the programs and resources the college offers all in one place at one time.”
To RSVP for the event or for more information, call (708) 974-5355, email madsenk6@morainevalley.edu or visit morainevalley.edu/adultsuccess.