By planning ahead, you’ll find the best route to your destination, so you can save time and money. Following directions will help you stay on the right path. Discovering things about yourself as you travel along will make the trip more fun. And once you reach your destination of college, you can celebrate!
It may seem like college is far in the distance, so you don’t need to give it much thought yet. Not true! The decisions you make during high school will pave the way to college. Now is the time to make sure you’re taking the right classes, exploring your interests and thinking about possible career choices.
Entrance exams are a big part of the college selection process – not to mention a good score could equate to scholarship qualifications. Typically the ACT/SAT are taken during a student’s junior year, but it might be beneficial to take practice tests. There are a limited number of testing opportunities per year, so taking the exam(s) sophomore year will give you additional time and chances to improve your score.
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Extracurricular Activities Make the Journey Fun — and Productive
Continue to get involved in extracurricular activities. These offer a great way to explore your interests and develop talents and skills that can help you choose a career direction. Take on leadership positions, which look good on college applications and build your confidence. Also, volunteering is a great way to enhance your education and give back to your community.